Sunday, April 05, 2009

It's all about "feet" in this family

My Niece Jamie is following in her Uncle's footsteps. Shoes!

She started her company "Strawberry Blonde Shoes" and spends her spare moments, making contacts, researching, sketching and constructing proto-types for her uncle Stevie to examine. When she first told me she wanted to design shoes I thought, cool! ... and left it at that ... until she e-mailed me her sketches.
We were all blown away by her attention to detail and refreshing ideas.

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to show off her sketches, but I can tell you this, they are not flat sandals. She has come up with 4 beautiful high heel designs that would make Manolo Blahnik stand up and take notice.

She went to her first shoe show in January with her uncle and realized she has a lot of learning, growing and exploring to do if she's going to make an impact in this business.

I've encouraged her to start her own blog sharing her shoe adventures. I hope you'll pop in now and then to follow what she's up to and maybe even share a comment or two.