Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where in the World are Your Bonannos?

Our trip to Sydney Australia.
Lisa -- Stuart

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where in the World are Your Bonannos?

Me and my Stephen Bonannos went to Egypt and visited the Great Pyramids!
Bitsy -- formerly of Stuart, FL now in Aiken, SC

Monday, November 16, 2009


Perfect for Spring!
Traditional Leather tops, leather in-soles, cork wedge, rubber bottom.
Check them out on-line

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Family Affair

It was "game day" for Stephen's son Anthony so we parked our chairs front and center ...

Uncle Domo, his Dad and Mike a family friend

Camera shy at 13, his Dad trying to get him to smile for his Aunt Viv (that be me).

... like Father, like Son

Little Auction that Could

Author Carl Hiaasen Presents ...
Laughing Out Loud for Literacy.
A Celebrity Book Auction.

Over 70 celebrities have signed a beloved childhood book and contributed it to this one-time only event for Hibiscus Children's Center and Literacy efforts for abused and neglected children.

Some of the celebrities ...

"The White House" A pop-up book President Obama

"Little house in the Big Woods"
First Lady, Laura Bush

"King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table"
Senator John McCain

"Treasure Island:
Jimmy Buffett

"Strawberry Girl"
Oprah Winfrey

Other celebrities names ...
Tori Amos
Sean Connery
Lilly Pulitzer
Steve Martin
J.K. Rowling
Jack Nicklaus
Tiger Woods
Senator Ted Kennedy and his dog
Bill Cosby
Donald Trump
and ... Drum roll please ...

"Lord of the Flies"
Stephen Bonanno

It was a local event held at the Elliott Museum ... and he was fussed over and treated like a celebrity!

The fun part for me was to mingle through the crowd hearing people whisper among their friends, "Stephen Bonanno's here!" ... yeah, my "big celebrity" brother. LOL

If you'd like to bid on a book, go to:

Where in the World are Your Bonannos?

Hi Viv,
Here is a picture of our PB Pink Metallics with a giant cupcake! Gotta love Halloween! :0)
Caroline -- Stuart

Soooo adorable!

Where in the World are Your Bonannos?

Hi Vivy,
Here are my Mom's picture. They were taken at the pool in "The Venice of America." aka Beautiful Sun Filled Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
I love you guys, miss you much.
Melanie -- Joshua Tree, CA

Stephen Bonanno Sandals Honored

Business Appreciation Award Luncheon 2009

Stephen Bonanno Sandals was honored with the "Newcomer Award." Funny, since we've been around ... forever!, but we did just relocate to Stuart, Martin County.
It was a blast and we were very honored to be recognized.
Stephen and his core celebrating their award.
Left to right, Elizabeth, Stephen, Bailey, Domenick, Rosario and Marcelino. Carmen was out having her baby.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


New sandal styles named after 3 remarkable women who have or are still involved with Stephen Bonanno Sandals in one way or another.

Our Rock -- worked as store manager 2007--2008

The Ball of Energy ... worked with us for the past 3 seasons

The Entertainer ... worked with us for the past 3 seasons

It's Personal ...

For 2 years I had pretty severe pain in my right arm. Don't know why, but I couldn't move it without having sharp pain running up and down my arm ... after months of immobility my arm stiffened where I couldn't move it.

I went for acupucture which helped a little, but if I moved it the wrong way, ouch! So I protected my arm and tried to use it as little as possible. 2 years I learned to live with the pain.

This is the amazing part ... 2 weeks ago I stopped drinking MonaVie because I just forgot or got too busy. I swear folks, in the two weeks "without" MonaVie I was quicky reminded I had a bad arm. I totally forgot! It had been that long since I felt any pain ...

The 2 months I have been drinking MonaVie for ENERGY has actually helped with the healing of my arm too. It was at that moment that I realized just how amazing this health drink really is.